our mission
Big Wave Dog Rescue strives to be one of the most collaborative and positively known Animal Rescues in the state of Massachusetts and surrounding states. BWDR is a foster-based, volunteer-run organization built around passionate people looking to make a difference along with the many other animal rescue organizations around. Southern shelters are overrun with animals that will never be adopted. Big Wave commits to dogs the South cannot place and bring them to New England homes where they become family. In addition to helping out-of-state dogs make their entrance into MA, we will help surrounding communities by supporting local cases of animals in need of a fresh start.
Over the next several years, we are committed to building a community of empathetic volunteers that are educated about the societal issues surrounding animal homelessness in our country. Through first-hand volunteer opportunities and full transparency regarding our animal’s humble and often traumatic beginnings, our community will guide our animals, share their stories, and move them forward to a new season of life no matter their age or breed.
Finding our animals a place to call “home” is not a task we take lightly. Communicating with and providing adopters with resources regarding training and behavior will be a priority for setting our dogs up for success. Establishing connections to local dog trainers and emphasizing the value of utilizing professionals for behavior modification and obedience is of high importance to us in keeping our promise to our animals.